Film Schedule

Pickwick Theatre:

Pickwick Theatre Classic Film Series (monthly) in the new “Megatheatre”!
Admission is $12. The advance ticket price (purchased before the day of the show) is $10. The 1 PM matinee is $10.

***For advance tickets, please visit the theatre box office during regular business hours or go online to the Pickwick Theatre website and click on the appropriate showtime. CLICK HERE! You can purchase advance tickets anytime before the day of the show.***

For more information about our upcoming shows, please visit our Blog!

April 16, 2025
Excalibur (1981)
1 PM & 7 PM

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Wilmette Public Library
April 10, 2025   7 PM
Park Ridge Classic Film Program Host Matthew Hoffman will present a special event at the Wilmette Public Library. Details coming soon!

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Park Ridge Public Library:

NOTE: The Classic Film Series hosted by Matthew Hoffman has been cancelled by the Library.

Classic Film Poster 2023 Smaller

Some of our previous programs…




17 thoughts

  1. Hello – what a lovely idea to have classic film fest in September and such great films that will be showing. for tuture consideration how about: Lawrence of Arabia (never saw it and heard should bre seen on big screen) and Doctor Strangelove? so manyterrific old films it is hard to narrow them down! thanks again for putting the collaboration between the theatre and the library!

  2. So happy that u guys r bringing some if the classics back to the big screen. My suggestion for a movie to see on the big screen again would b “Singing in the Rain”. One of my all time favorite films and Gene Kelly in this movie is what inspired me at the age of 5 when I first saw the film to become a tap dancer. Just a thought.

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